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Visions Of Glory - A2+

Average Rating = 0.00/5 Average Rating : 0.00 out of 5
Route sequence (left to right): 1
Route Summary | Ascent Notes (0)
Premier Sponsor:
Lots of Ice Screws and Pickets, about 425 meters of fixed ropes.
Consensus Ratings
  Difficulty (Not Rated)
  Safety Rating (Not Rated)
  Exposure (Not Rated)
  Rock Quality (Not Rated)
  Scenery (Not Rated)
  Fun Factor (Not Rated)


Summit push requires advance base camp at 17,600'or so. Great Alpine peak with some sections of mixed rock / snow/ ice climbing.

Submitted by: clymbhigh33 on 2002-11-27
Views: 353
Route ID: 27719