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Bat Cave Area

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About Bat Cave Area:

This area was developed by Kris Pattarasirin, Ben Grasser and Vorapod Grabsawat on Jan 13th, 2005. There are bat caves in this area. When you approach the Temple Area crag, walk to the right and pass Obelisk and about 200 meters; there is a big cave.
Approach Time:
Latitude, Longitude:
Access Issues:
Rock Type: Limestone
Type of Climbing: Sport
Sun Aspect:


SequenceSequence numbers indicate the left (L) to right (R) order of the routes. Rating Route Difficulty Ascents
1 Average Rating = 3.00/5 Aao Carrot Ma Fak 5.11b 1
1 Average Rating = 3.00/5 Manao (Lime) 5.10a 4
1 Average Rating = 4.00/5 Nampueng*** 5.10d 3