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Tea time crag

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About Tea time crag:

TEATIME CRAG Virtually opposite Cascade Circus, is a low cliff of generally clean rock, 3 - 400 metres long and up to 50m high, rising directly from the gravel of the wadi floor. In shade all afternoon, it gives some good single pitch routes, and offers fine low level traversing possibilities. Descents generally involve a long scramble rightwards or leftwards along vague and unstable goat paths, exposed ledges, and sloping shelves to gain easy gullies at either end of the cliff. There is a fixed abseil point (2 pegs) at the belay ledge at the top of Think Floyd., and another at the top of the obvious water-wash ( Karaoke Night ) in the centre of the crag. A steep slab near the extreme left hand end would seem to offer a line for a fixed abseil point. Just to the left of this a water-washed gully offers a descent route, which involves some short steep and exposed sections of down-climbing at about Difficult standard. Near the left hand end of the crag, is a deep chimney, containing a chockstone (Tea For One). 20m to the left of the chimney, is a steep inset slab of rock, with a corner crack at its left hand side.
Approach Time:
Latitude, Longitude:
Access Issues:
Rock Type: Limestone
Type of Climbing: Trad
Sun Aspect:

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