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Mt Warning

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Climbing Sections:

About Mt Warning:

The north-west face of Mt Warning has one of the largest cliffs in Australia. Over 500m high and almost featureless this huge slab has only two established routes. They involve very hard free climbing with big runouts. Of course you could always go up to the top of the true summit via the tourist track. This peak receives the first rays of the sun on the east coast of Oz. The part of Mt. Warning we as rock climbers are most interested in is called The Wollumbin Shield. This wall is quite tucked away behind a ridge which occludes much of its awe inspiring height. One really cannot see the full height of the wall from any road. A bushwalk to the east end of Tyalgum Ridge is necessary to fully apreciate the Shields grandeur. To access the cliff it is necessary to be proficient in navigation and bushwalking as it is a full 4 hour walk in through almost impenetrable jungle festooned with lots of waiterwhile and other assorted spiky vines to entangle ones progress..

Nearest town or city: Ballina
Directions: From Tyalgum go up the Tyalgum Ridge Road, park at the forest walk carpark before you get to Brummies Lookout. Follow forest walk for perhaps a hundred yards/metres until you get to a dirty great fallen tree turn right and make your way up on to the top of Tyalgum Ridge. From the top of the ridge it is necessary to travel along the top of the ridge for perhaps half an huor before dropping down on to the saddle and up on to the north side of the middle hump. At the centre of the saddle before going up on to the hump set your compass to slightly south of east you`ll be following this general bearing pretty much till you hit the wall. Obviously you`ll have to follow the path of least resistance particularly when going down off the halfway hump. Best of luck finding the indistinct track markings in.
Latitude, Longitude:
Access Issues:
Camping: Free
When to Climb:
Quantity of Climbs: Month

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