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The Quarry

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Climbing Sections:

About The Quarry:

A great sport cliff close to town that offers short, steep and pumpy sandstone routes, equipped with natural and bolt protection. Despite its namesake, the cliff is a natural one, and not the result of quarrying. The sun comes early to this cliff (as early as 10am) so unless you like early starts this one should be left for the winter months. Most routes are graded between 18 & 24, offering a good pump for competent climbers.
Nearest town or city: Alice Springs
Directions: From Alice Springs, follow the Sth Stuart Hwy through Heavitree Gap. Take the first turn L, then drive past several caravan parks to a roundabout. Turn L down Ragonesi Rd, and follow this to the end. Turn L into Quarry Rd, and continue until you reach the gate to the quarry. The cliff is up on the right.
Latitude, Longitude:
Access Issues:
Camping: None
When to Climb:
Quantity of Climbs: Day