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Ricoh Destruction Test - 5.11c A0

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Route sequence (left to right): 0
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Rock Aid
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Start in the rain forest just left of the big tree and 50m right of Sacred Snakes. 1) 35m (crux) Climb to the overhang at 5m, first bolt is out on the lip. Aid move M1/A0 (bolt) to overcome the lip. Free to the bulge, aid through the bulge M1/A0 (4 bolts) to gain the rock above the bulge, free up to and through the next bulge to the hanging belay. U bolt & bolt belay. 2) 15m (19) Up trending R, then trending L to hanging belay at the bottom of a corner system and big pocket. U bolt belay. 3) 15m (23?) Straight up the slab to the overlap blocks, very airy position, watch for rope drag, slab finish. U bolt & bolt belay. 4) 35m (20) Layaways, crimps and mantles with heaps of atmosphere. Go up and over the ledgy top to the ring bolts.

Submitted by: kachoong on 2009-12-11
Views: 640
Route ID: 102954