Cioch - 5.11a

Route sequence (left to right): 1
Route Summary | Ascent Notes (1)
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Trad (has a bolt or two), or top-rope.
Climb rock to the left of Arev, up to a small overhang, shoulder jam to gain a small slab under a larger overhang, get over this and finish up the face to the right of the arete.
Submitted by: koto on 2006-02-01
Views: 532
Route ID: 37134
1 Ascent Recorded
Ratings | |
Difficulty |
Ascent Note
Havn't actually finished this yet, I've climbed it once, to be rejected, waiting for my buddies to return from interstate to finish it off.
Witnessed by: Dave Moloney.
Added: 2003-05-23
Added: 2003-05-23