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About Victoria Ranges South:

These are the areas along and south of Glenelg River Road. This is proberly the least visited area in the Grampians, as it is accessed by long dirt roads, and is the hardest to drive to from Melbourne. The big cliffs of the Chimney Pots are th emost spectacule cliffs in this region. The Mountain Lion is a nice area fro the middle grade leader - with similar short problems like Summerday Valley.
Nearest town or city: Cavendish
Directions: From Ballarat drive due east to Dunkeld. Find the easist way to the small town of Cavendish where you can drive north along the Henty Highway towards Horshum. ABout 20km north of Cavindish take a badly signposted rigth turn onto Glenelg River Road. Eigth kilometres or so down this road you will see the giant looming Chimney Pots on the left side.
Latitude, Longitude:
Access Issues:
Camping: Free
When to Climb:
Quantity of Climbs: Lifetime