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The Big Lebowski - 5.10c

Average Rating = 0.00/5 Average Rating : 0.00 out of 5
Route sequence (left to right): 1
Route Summary | Ascent Notes (2)
Premier Sponsor:
4 bolts, 2x ring anchor
Consensus Ratings
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  Scenery (Not Rated)
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On the right edge of the Tiger Wall overhang is an undercut arete. Pull hard up the left side of the arete past the first 2 bolts, then easier to the top.

Submitted by: sbaclimber on 2006-01-15
Views: 614
Route ID: 66904

2 Ascents Recorded

GoRecord an ascent

Red Point Red Point ascent by: sbaclimber on 2005-08-28 (View Climbing Log)

0 out of 5 stars Ascent Note

I finally got it! Strenuous enough to be a 20, but not really technical enough. Don't hang around for the 1st 2 bolts.

Added: 2005-08-28

Top Rope Top Rope ascent by: sbaclimber on 2005-05-28 (View Climbing Log)

0 out of 5 stars Ascent Note

Somehow spanked me hard on lead, but was a really really good climb on toprope. Deserves a star.

Added: 2005-05-28