**Gibbet, 18 - 5.10a

Route sequence (left to right): 0
Route Summary | Ascent Notes (2)
Premier Sponsor:
Rob Rainsbury, '71
Rock (Trad)
wires,small cams, build an anchor. A long sling may be handy to sling the large block.
Pull up onto the small, wobbly pedistal,protect in the crack, continue up on incut crimps and thin laybacks. this line is sustained with limited but good pro. The top 1/3 can't be protected but by then you are climbing on jugs. even so, if you fall, you risk decking. A common approach to Gibbet is via "Hawk", 14.Descent Options:
Walk off
Submitted by: socialclimber on 2006-02-16
Last Modified: 2006-12-01
Views: 568
Route ID: 69575
2 Ascents Recorded
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Ascent Note
would be really tough on lead I think
Witnessed by: socialclimber
Added: 2006-02-16
Added: 2006-02-16
Ratings | |
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Ascent Note
No comment
Witnessed by: Joe, Lindsay
Added: 2005-09-11
Added: 2005-09-11