**Jambilicus - 5.7

Route sequence (left to right): 120
Route Summary | Ascent Notes (3)
Premier Sponsor:
wires, small cams
Start just left of Nudity. Protect as high in the crack as possible, then traverse left under the roof to the dihedral. Be sure to use a cam in the horizontal slot, or a wire in the crack above, 3/4 of the way across to avoid a potential ground fall! Once in the dihedral, continue up the crack and behind blocks to the top. Good protection and awesome holds.
Submitted by: sbaclimber on 2006-01-20
Last Modified: 2007-03-04
Views: 488
Route ID: 71508
3 Ascents Recorded
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Ascent Note
Almost browned on the traverse... saved by a pink tricam.
Added: 2006-03-25
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Ascent Note
This is a nice line. Suits nuts rather than cams.
Witnessed by: sbaclimber, kadies
Added: 2005-11-05
Added: 2005-11-05
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Ascent Note
Kick ass route, totally quality!! Even the traverse isn\'t dodgy if you have the proper sized (small) pro.
Witnessed by: socialclimber, kadiez
Added: 2005-11-04
Added: 2005-11-04