Hot Dog, 18 - 5.10a

Route sequence (left to right): 1
Route Summary | Ascent Notes (1)
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3 bolts, 2x bolt achor
Before rounding the last corner to the cave, there is an open left-facing corner capped by a white-roofed alcove 7m up. Just left of this is a line of 3 bolts that lead up the face to the alcove. Climb following the bolts. Bouldery start leads to good holds on steep rock. For a slightly easier variation, start left then move right to the first bolt. 2x bolt anchor had an old sling with 2 chain links attached, this has been replace with 2 chain quick-links for rappelling.
Submitted by: sbaclimber on 2006-07-16
Views: 408
Route ID: 62303
1 Ascent Recorded
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Ascent Note
though short, a nice little route. Would be interested in knowing what the name/grade is.
Added: 2004-12-04