Special K, 19 - 5.10b

Route sequence (left to right): 1
Route Summary | Ascent Notes (1)
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At the right end of the section of the crag with the large square roof (Captain Neutrino, 27), across from a pine tree. Boulder up steep wall past first bolt, step right and continue up on good holds past 4 more bolts. Traverse left at top to double ring anchor at the top of King Kong.
Submitted by: sbaclimber on 2006-07-16
Views: 428
Route ID: 62228
1 Ascent Recorded
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Difficulty |
Ascent Note
Crux is getting to the first bolt, the rest is about 17. Supposedly there is an anchor to the right at the top, but so far no one has found it.
Added: 2004-10-09