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Routes : Australasia : New Zealand : West Coast : Darran Mountains

Darran Mountains

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About Darran Mountains:

Milford is the end of the road down the bottom of the South island. It feels big, wild and remote, the kind of place that puts into perspective our place in the big scheme of things. Milford also possesses a lifetimes supply of climbing. Winter ice, Alpine, single or multi pitch, bouldering, it's all there on top quality granite. All you have to do is go get it. And there-in lies the problem. Along with its untouched beauty, Milford is well known for its 6000mm annual rainfall and its surprisingly fast weather changes. These come about because Milford is the first major landfall for every south westerly weather system heading north from the Ice, coupled with the topography of the area. Milford is relativley undevloped. There are few roads or tracks so it's not long before you have to make your own way to get where you are going (and carry everything you need with you). Communication from the back country can be near impossible which has dire implications for medical evacuation. It's not all doom and gloom though, there are a few areas that are easily reached from the road where you can do some single and multi pitch climbing and bouldering.
Nearest town or city: Milford Sound
Directions: The only road in comes from Te Anau. It is about 3-4 hrs drive from Queenstown. It is possible to fly there from Queenstown. Te-Anau is the nearest town for supplies.
Latitude, Longitude: Update
Access Issues: Update
Camping: Yes
When to Climb: Update
Quantity of Climbs: Lifetime

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