Routes : Europe : Austria : Tirol (inkl. Osttirol) : Guffertstein Rofangebirge : Vulgar Display of Power
Vulgar Display of Power - 5.11c

Route sequence (left to right): 3
Route Summary | Ascent Notes (0)
Premier Sponsor:
Stephan Scherzinger / Dan MacNish / Christoph Hiber (2012)
Rock (Sport)
13 Quick draws + 2 Longer runners/slings
Pitch 1. 40m (8) Pitch 2. 10m (6) Start at "Hoizfasslbier". The line treads rightwards on steep terrain. Small crimps, pinchers and slopers. Fancy footwork required. The route name is a result of the pump factor and technical nature.Descent Options:
Submitted by: Alpinman on 2012-09-11
Last Modified: 2012-10-22
Views: 840
Route ID: 112538
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