Celjski Stup - 5.10a

Route sequence (left to right): 2
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F. Canzek, A. Bergant
Rock (Trad)
Sparingly very bad bolts. The first pitch is nearly 60m long without pitons and has 6 very bad bolts, the majority of which are in the lower section. Don't let you be confused by the dihedral - there is no possibility for good additional protection - neit
First pitch: Polished dihedral, highly classic style of climbing with lots of leaning and no real holds. Dangerous. This was more safe to climb more than 20 years ago when the pitons where still in place. The other pitches offer nice climbing on sharp rock with good possibilities to place gear.Descent Options:
Rappel 25m from top point into right gully: one loose bolt with two maillon rapides - the larger one is certified. Climb traversing down towards Sector "Hram" (gate), occasional cairns.
Submitted by: helmet on 2010-09-22
Views: 1013
Route ID: 106685
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