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Routes : Europe : England : Isle of Lundy : Read my list

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BIRD RESTRICTION: The island is a bird-breeding colony and because of this there is NO CLIMBING ALLOWED between the dates of 1 APRIL and 31 JULY! In general, climbers do not visit the island during this period.

The island of Lundy offers fantastic climbing in a situation unrivalled for isolation south of Scotland. The weather here is usually much better than in the north. The rock is all granite and in most places very sound. Most of the climbs have still not had enough traffic to make them polished, and some of the cracks are still sandy. Most of the cliffs are west facing and warm up well by noon. One week is usually enough to guarantee four or five good climbing days. The island is about four miles long and half a mile wide, and runs from north to south. The longest climbs are about 400 feet long and very impressive, but most are only one ropelength. Rescue here is awkward and to be avoided at all costs. Over 500 routes in all grades.

There is a shop on the island that can supply everything you need. It is recommended that you take some books and games since there is nothing else to do if the weather is bad.

Accommodation is a problem on the island. Numbers are limited. There are several cottages and a campsite. To stay at any of these, you must book ahead and do so well in advance. Group prices can be very reasonable. Camping is very practical as there are no restrictions on the weight you can bring to the island.

This is a wonderful place to climb and incredibly well worth the trip and the troubles you must take to climb here!

Nearest town or city: IMPORTANT INSTRUCTIONS!
Directions: To stay on the island you must contact the LANDMARK TRUST, SHOTTESBROKE, MAIDENHEAD, BERKSHIRE, SL6 3SW. The Trust manages the island and can be contacted by post or by phone on 062-882-5925. They are very helpful and if you state that you want to climb on the island they will send you all the details you require. The method of travel to the island is by boat, though sometimes there is a helicopter heading to the island, but this can be expensive. The boat trip takes about two hours, and is very nice on a sunny day.

Latitude, Longitude: 51.18070, -4.67000
Access Issues:
Camping: Pay
When to Climb:
Quantity of Climbs: Lifetime

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