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Routes : Europe : England : Lake District : White Ghyll (OS)

White Ghyll (OS)

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Climbing Sections:

About White Ghyll (OS):

One of the most impressive crags in the Lakes. Being tucked up high in a gully shelters the crag from most of the cold winds in all but the winter season. The cliff is West facing and in two sections, upper and lower, both of which are very good. A total of about 75 routes in all grades from Diff upwards, and 150 to 300 feet long. The lower crag has the easier routes, but there are some VSs that weave their way through the overhangs on the upper crag. The best routes are on the upper crag, and all 40 or so from VS to E4 are worth doing. A great crag, well worth the walk.
Nearest town or city: Elterwater
Directions: OS 89 & 90 GR NY 297 071 Alt. 306m
2.3 miles NW of Elterwater. Take the B5343 west down the Langdale Valley and park after 3 miles at NEW DUNGEON GHYLL. From here a path leads up the ghyll, go to the right of this and up the next valley, due north. The path goes to the right of a group of trees and then up into a gully. Scout Crag is over on the right at this point, follow the gully and White Ghyll is high on the right, about 30 minutes from the parking area.
Latitude, Longitude: 54.45428, -3.08445
Access Issues:
Camping: Pay
When to Climb:
Quantity of Climbs: Lifetime