Main fall - WI4

Route sequence (left to right): 1
Route Summary | Ascent Notes (1)
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Ice screws
Pick a line up the main fall (ie. avoid the vertical sections and the pillar on the right.
Submitted by: hema on 2004-04-15
Views: 455
Route ID: 51234
1 Ascent Recorded
Ratings | |
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Ascent Note
My first lead of WI4, and did it while wearing AT-boot shell and inside two socks plus two thick wool sock. As I had frostbitten (2nd degree) my toes a couple of days earlier and could not get my regular ice climbing boots (or the AT-inners) on.
I was scared shi**ess and had to rest one time on the rope (though I might have been able to rest stemming and not weight the rope).
I was scared shi**ess and had to rest one time on the rope (though I might have been able to rest stemming and not weight the rope).
Added: 2004-03-14