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About Chambly:

Limestone cliff over the Hérisson River, the crag of Chambly is 60 ft high, the overhanging routes are up to 70 ft long.
This is a sport climbing area, in which you need a 60m rope and up to 10 quickdraws. Some holds are hand-made!

Fires are forbidden. Respect both animals and vegetals. Have your trash back with you.
Nearest town or city: Doucier (Lons-le-Saunier)
From Lons-le-Saunier, drive east direction Champagnole. The road is going up on the first plateau. After the forest, turn right, direction Lac de Chalain. Follow the "Lac de Chalain" direction until you go in the small city of Doucier. Go through DOucier, then turn left following Cascades du hérisson. The cliff is on the left between Doucier and the village of Chambly (don't go so far). Park on the side of the road. You will see 3 differents paths going to the bottom of the cliff.
The Cascades du Hérisson are absolutely awesome and deserve a half day hike : beautiful waterfalls going from a limestone plateau to another one.
Latitude, Longitude:
Access Issues:
Camping: Pay
When to Climb: Autumn Spring Winter
Quantity of Climbs: Week