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La Clape

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About La Clape:

La Clape is the northeastern extremity of the Corbières, a low mountaineous area known for its red wine.
300 routes on limestone, on south faces. Perfect from fall to spring, but it might be warm in summertime.
6 areas : La Couleuvre, La Chandelle, Pierre-Droite, Les Caunes, La Crouzade, Les Crêtes de Vire.
from the magazine Grimper #57, september/october 2001.
Nearest town or city: Gruissan (Narbonne, Béziers)
Quit the highway at Narbonne Est. Follow Gruissan. At the first turnabout of Gruissan, go left, direction Narbonne-plage, then first left after 1 kilometer. A wide pic-nic area on the left provides a parking for the crag called Les Caunes.
Latitude, Longitude:
Access Issues:
Camping: Yes
When to Climb:
Quantity of Climbs: Week