Lelek Harang - 5.13c

Route sequence (left to right): 1
Route Summary | Ascent Notes (1)
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This is on the right side of the wall, just to the right of the obvious Harangozó Teréz (crack). A moderate (12c-ish) start leads to a good rest then the crux. The crux is pretty straightforward, a sopey side-pull to another slopey sidepull (around V7). Keep it together for the finishing moves, and you've sent it. Old guide says 13c/d (8a+/8b)
Submitted by: rockclimbergabor on 2005-06-16
Views: 533
Route ID: 59399
1 Ascent Recorded
Ratings | |
Difficulty |
Ascent Note
so cool
Added: 2004-08-01