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Routes : Europe : Italy : Central Italy : Roccantica


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Climbing Sections:

About Roccantica:

Nearest town or city: Rome
Directions: Roccantica is it 60 km NE far from Rome. Getting there is easy. Highway A1 exit FIANO ROMANO. DIrection Terni with SS313. After 12 KM turn right to Poggio Mirteto and reach the center. Follow the indication to Casperia - Cottanello and after few KM turn again right to ROCCANTICA. Reach the village and turn left at the intersection (following IL COMPARE Restaurant panel). After 150 mt turn left into via Marta Robbio Tacci few mt more and you will have a fountain. park the car there and you will have the crag on the right.
Latitude, Longitude: 42.31660, -12.68330
Access Issues: Update
Camping: None
When to Climb: Update
Quantity of Climbs: Update