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Tutta via - 5.10a

Average Rating = 4.00/5 Average Rating : 4.00 out of 5
Route sequence (left to right):
Route Summary | Ascent Notes (1)
Premier Sponsor:
Rock (Sport)
Good bolts but run out at times. Use double ropes.
Consensus Ratings
  Difficulty (Not Rated)
  Safety Rating R
  Exposure 4.00/5
  Rock Quality 4.00/5
  Scenery 4.00/5
  Fun Factor 3.00/5


Slab climb, rather thin at times. There is an alternate start in the section to the right.

Descent Options:


Submitted by: pro_alien on 2007-05-20
Views: 331
Route ID: 85863

1 Ascent Recorded

GoRecord an ascent

  Safety Rating R
  Rock Quality
  Fun Factor
Second Second ascent by: pro_alien on 2007-05-19 (View Climbing Log)

4 out of 5 stars old school slab ?

Only did the first two pitches. Too run out for my taste.

Added: 2007-05-20