F--ck - 5.8

Route sequence (left to right): 1
Route Summary | Ascent Notes (2)
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Back of the cave, the anchor is hidden on the roof.
Submitted by: redpointed on 2003-08-22
Views: 344
Route ID: 39419
2 Ascents Recorded
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Ascent Note
The lower off is really cool, make sure you look around up there.
Witnessed by: Agneta
Added: 2003-08-13
Added: 2003-08-13
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Ascent Note
If I remember the correct route-( I might be thinking of eddy which I think is just next to it) it is really cruisy until you get to the exciting wafer thin mantle at the top that looks like it will snap if you weight it but stayed put for me, and suddenly you're at the top with some big f-ing bat's nest or whatever by your head, but it is a really nice climb, as are all the ones there. HMG
Added: 2003-05-05