Rent a motor boat in Cala Gonone, then ride along the shore for 20 minutes. Cala Luna is made of one part with slabs and another one with mild to severe overhangs. All on limestone. With the sea beneath. Facing east, it's good for afternoon spring and summer climbs.
(HMG says- super cool area, with fun thuggy tufas and big moves. delicate multipitch slabs off to the left of the boat moor for something different. "Mr Nice" and neighbouring climbs are beautiful and fun as hell. very slippy walking over some of the rocks to the main grotto. warm ups were restricted to about F6a+ in the whole area fyi -5.10b i think. Beautiful area, turquoise water, no one but you and the rock! (well, and your belayer, hopefully, unless you are a Huber bro.)