Rain - 5.10b

Route sequence (left to right): 1
Route Summary | Ascent Notes (0)
Premier Sponsor:
N. Bleise, S. Martin, A. Hüfner 1994
Rock (Trad)
Bolted belays, few bolts on the pitches. Bring a few slings, one set of nuts, cams .6"-3" (Friends 0,5-4 or Camalots 0,3-3,5), Rockcentrics 3-7 (optional, but very useful); micro nuts and small tricams might help to shorten some run-outs.
490 meters of beautiful sustained slab and face climbing mostly on coarse granite and dykes with occasional cracks, flakes and corners. The crux sections are well-protected, but expect some severe run-outs on the easier sections.Descent Options:
Rappeling from above pitch 4 is not recommended. After topping out, walk ~10 minutes to the summit, then follow the path down (~1,5 h)
Submitted by: adeptus on 2009-03-14
Views: 905
Route ID: 49570