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New Wave - 5.10a

Average Rating = 0.00/5 Average Rating : 0.00 out of 5
Route sequence (left to right): 1
Route Summary | Ascent Notes (1)
Premier Sponsor:
bolts + slung flakes/knobs
Consensus Ratings
  Difficulty (Not Rated)
  Safety Rating (Not Rated)
  Exposure (Not Rated)
  Rock Quality (Not Rated)
  Scenery (Not Rated)
  Fun Factor (Not Rated)


Great 2-pitch route. First pitch follows arching shallow finger crack (bolted!) to a face full of holes, flakes and knobs. Find your way to a big ledge and anchor, then head up past a bouldery move through an overhang to a smooth, bulging face with a friction crux (watch for slippery lichen!). Ends at rap station just below the big ledge.

Submitted by: mmcmurra on 2003-12-12
Views: 349
Route ID: 45647

1 Ascent Recorded

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Onsight Onsight ascent by: mmcmurra on 2001-09-09 (View Climbing Log)

0 out of 5 stars Ascent Note

I actually took a fall when I slipped on some lichen after the crux, but I gave myself the onsight anyway. ;)

Added: 2001-09-09