Routes : Europe : Scotland : Central Highlands : Glen Nevis : Polldubh, Styx Buttress : Damnation (VS 4b)
Damnation (VS 4b) - 5.7

Route sequence (left to right): 1
Route Summary | Ascent Notes (0)
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Good at the cruxy overhang, a little run out on the easier slabs above.
Climb a ramp 6 meters from the left of the buttress, traverse right to a rib and up to cross the overhang on good holds (look for the small break in the overhang). Finish up the slabs above to a big block belay. Good climb. The guide says 'improbable looking for the grade'!
Submitted by: catt on 2004-08-08
Views: 690
Route ID: 57605