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Routes : Europe : Spain : Aragón : Rodellar


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About Rodellar:

International climbing database recently rated Rodellar as the best limestone sport crag in the world in terms of easy access, route quality and ambiance...the canyon walls of the river Mascun in the Sierra de Guara region of Aragon, west of Barcelona, have become a mandatory stop for the traveling limestone connisseur. Huge overhanging walls like the Gran Boveda and La Surgencia are interspersed with short power-based routes in smaller caves like the Familia Manson and Maldita Codicia, the El Camino crag has stacks of perfect 5.10-5.11 warm-ups, and the local guides are always busy on any number of beginner-oriented featured slabs. Combine the incredible route quality with the "Club Med" summertime atmosphere (not to mention the area's reknown as one of Europe's most popular canyoneering spots) and you have an unbeatable world-class climbing destination. That said, beware of the fact that this is a "tufa crag", which means the routes stay wet long after any heavy rains have stopped, and that the area may not be in condition until late spring/summer. Sept/Oct will be the best time to visit.
Nearest town or city: Huesca
Directions: From Barcelona, drive west to Lerida, then take the N-240 through Barbastro to Peraltilla. Just past this, turn right on the A-1231 to Abiego ad follow the signs to Rodellar. From Huesca, take the N-240 east to the A-1229 and follow the signs. Stock up on supplies at a supermarkek in either Barbastro or Huesca, there are excellent campgrounds and a decent restaurant in Rodellar but no big stores.
Latitude, Longitude:
Access Issues:
Camping: Yes
When to Climb:
Quantity of Climbs: Year

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Forum Discussions (3 posts)

  Subject Author Replies Last Post
No Replies Routedatabase Stefan1 0 Dec 25 2010, 5:28 PM
No Replies Getting to Rodellar without a car quinnbc 0 May 27 2009, 8:32 PM
With Replies rodellar spain darkstar 19 Aug 16 2005, 9:57 AM