Derecha del Espolón - 5.8

Route sequence (left to right): 0
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Start just right of the fall-line from the groove on the right-hand side of the pillar at a well-trodden area. 1) 4+, 60m. Wander up easy slabs to the 1st bolt then climb the groove via the odd tricky move past one stance to another on the tip of the tower - 10 bolts. 2) 5, 38m. Climb the face trending slightly leftwards until a short tricky wall (the crux - avoidable further left) leads to a groove. Up this to a good stance out on the left. 3) 4, 32m. Trend right up the wall by good sustained climbing then move up and left to a small exposed stance. 4) 4+, 28m. Up the face until a couple of tricky moves lead to easier ground. Up the gully to a stance. The abseil descent is 30m left, just beyond a bush.
Submitted by: Ofe on 2009-03-19
Views: 468
Route ID: 98326