El Diedro - 5.9

Route sequence (left to right): 0
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Premier Sponsor:
J.Montesinos, M.Jaen 1963
Rock (Sport)
up a striking line and on solid rock. 1) 4, 30m. The left-hand line of bolts (red hangers) leads up short walls, cracks and grooves to a stance below a crack in the slabby right wall of the main groove. 2) 5+, 30m. Climb the sustained crack (crux) then move left to where easier rock leads up the continuation crack to a stance. 3) 4+, 14m. Trend left and climb the main groove to a stance just below the cliff top. DESCENT - Abseil back down the line of the climb.
Submitted by: Ofe on 2009-03-19
Views: 381
Route ID: 98312