Vía Nuria - 5.10b

Route sequence (left to right): 0
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A fine climb following the line of the abseil anchors. Many of the hangers were missing for a while but they are reported to have been replaced. Scramble up left to ledges under the face. 1) 5, 40m. Climb up the face, which gradually eases, to the lowest abseil bolts on a large ledge system. 2) 6a, 50m. Cross the ledges then continue up the steep face, passing one abseil point, to belay on a higher one. 3) 6a+, 30m. A fine sustained pitch to a tiny ledge and belay. 4) 5+, 30m. Finish directly up the face to the chains on the rim of the wall. Descent by abseil back down the line.
Submitted by: Ofe on 2009-03-19
Views: 406
Route ID: 98320