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Southwest Ridge - PD

Average Rating = 0.00/5 Average Rating : 0.00 out of 5
Route sequence (left to right): 0
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The Southwest Ridge rises directly above the Jungfraujoch, so the approach could not be easier. It climbs mixed terrain initially to the base of the crux slab pitches, a section of steep slabby ridge crest with small holds. The crux pitch is about 5.6 or so in difficulty, and is climbed in mountaineering boots. After this the difficulty eases and we climb alternately rock and snow (depending on degree of snow cover). The route finishes on a snow face to the summit. The Southwest Ridge is a bit harder than the Jungfrau, with slightly harder technical climbing on the crux pitches. But the route is also shorter, and has a shorter approach. This makes it possible to do in a day from the valley.

Descent Options:

Southeast Ridge

Submitted by: henrytwin_m on 2009-09-20
Views: 460
Route ID: 101718