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Routes : Europe : Switzerland : Uri : Bergsee


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Climbing Sections:

About Bergsee:

Nice little area near the Bergseehut, such peaks as Bergseeschijen and Schijenstock, a glacier near-by and a 2-hour approach from the road (turn right in Gothard). Great hiking too.
Nearest town or city: Andermatt, St. Gotthard
Starting point for the valley is Göschenen that can be easily and fast reached from Luzern, Zurich or Milan along the Gotthard highway. From Göschenen, along the road till Gwüest (1605m) where you must start walking. If you want to take it easy you can spend the night at Bersee Hut (2370 m).
Latitude, Longitude:
Access Issues:
Camping: Yes
When to Climb: Summer
Quantity of Climbs: Year

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