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Goat Slabs

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Climbing Sections:

About Goat Slabs:

This is the largest face in the valley in which can reach 700m high, how ever unlike the other 4 major walls surounding it Goat slabs is low angle and very broken with good rock. Most climbs are ether runout, require a good selection of pins or have many bolts.
Nearest town or city: Canmore
Directions: From the intersection of 1a and 1x head west to the landfill (about 5min) and the Goat parking lot is on the south side across from the landfill. Follow a good trail on the right side of the landfill as it curves around the back of it. Take it to the flats below Kidd Goat and than head north (right) and stay in the valley far below the faces. If you turn to soon you will have a lot of up and down as well as bushwaking and wind up on the wronge side of the grande canyon (you'll know what I'm talking about if you do)
Latitude, Longitude:
Access Issues:
Camping: Pay
When to Climb: Autumn Spring Summer Winter
Quantity of Climbs: Year