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Routes : North America : Canada : Alberta : Calgary : Yamnuska : yam : Calgary Route

Calgary Route - 5.6

Average Rating = 2.00/5 Average Rating : 2.00 out of 5
Route sequence (left to right): 37
Route Summary | Ascent Notes (1)
Premier Sponsor:
F. Dopf & H. Gmoser, 1953
Rock (Trad)
nuts, single set of cams to #4
Consensus Ratings
  Difficulty 5.6
  Safety Rating G
  Exposure 2.00/5
  Rock Quality 2.00/5
  Scenery 4.00/5
  Fun Factor 4.00/5


An obvious chimney climb that climbs the 2nd technical route climbed on the face. The first half of the route climbs low angle broken ground with lots of loose rock on the ledges, once you come upon the 'headwall' of the route that climbs the first real crux that is short lived will bring you basically to the first chimney that is very polished with little gear until a bolt about 20ft or so up, and follows to the upper chimneys that lead to the top. Very tight fit and would be hard to bring a pack.

Descent Options:

Walk off

Submitted by: lovesclimbing on 2011-05-04
Last Modified: 2013-08-12
Views: 1890
Route ID: 108600

1 Ascent Recorded

GoRecord an ascent

  Difficulty 5.6
  Safety Rating G
  Rock Quality
  Fun Factor
Red Point Red Point ascent by: lovesclimbing on 2010-10-10 (View Climbing Log)

2 out of 5 stars intresting route

I tried this route in winter conditions with my partner for something to do and backed off around the chimneys. It took us about 3hrs to get to that point. When we did it this time in good condtions we soloed the bottom half side by side just talking which was really cool, and did the top half in 2 pitchs in 2 hours base to top in a casual day. There is lots of fixed gear although this route could slow some people down if your not used to loose rock or when to move fast on easy stuff

Added: 2011-05-04