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Memphis - 5.10d

Average Rating = 4.25/5 Average Rating : 4.25 out of 5
Route sequence (left to right): 2
Route Summary | Ascent Notes (9)
Premier Sponsor:
David Dancer & Jon Jones
Rock (Sport)
6 bolts + 2 anchor
Consensus Ratings
  Difficulty 5.10d
  Safety Rating G
  Exposure 3.67/5
  Rock Quality 4.00/5
  Scenery 4.00/5
  Fun Factor 4.67/5


There is a bolt above the anchor to get into the very different rock above the route.

Submitted by: biff on 2001-11-16
Last Modified: 2012-06-05
Views: 1676
Route ID: 7680

9 Ascents Recorded

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  Difficulty 5.10d
  Safety Rating G
  Rock Quality
  Fun Factor
Onsight Onsight ascent by: CamelCigarettePack on 2013-08-16 (View Climbing Log)

4 out of 5 stars Memphis

Solid routes long, lots of pockets.

Added: 2013-08-18

  Safety Rating G
Second Second ascent by: cave.felem on 2010-07-20 (View Climbing Log)

4 out of 5 stars Pitch 1

Wasn't planning on climbing this, but seconded the first pitch in order to retrieve some draws that couldn't be cleaned on lower by my partner. Will get back for the whole deal whenever I get the chance. Really sustained and a lot of fun.

Added: 2010-07-23

  Difficulty 5.10d
  Safety Rating G
  Rock Quality
  Fun Factor
Onsight Onsight ascent by: RockSteady on 2010-05-12 (View Climbing Log)

5 out of 5 stars The full meal deal

29m of great climbing! First crux is between 2nd and third bolt. The second crux is between the 1st and 2nd bolt after the first anchor. The climbing is awesome with great movement. If you actually climb the whole route you are rewarded with a quick-link at the top. 13 draws

Added: 2010-05-13

  Difficulty 5.10d
  Safety Rating G
  Rock Quality
  Fun Factor
Hang Dog Hang Dog ascent by: jnvnhs on 2009-08-09 (View Climbing Log)

4 out of 5 stars Memphis

Took at the move between the second and third bolt. Will send it next time I go back.

Added: 2009-08-10

Onsight Onsight ascent by: tonydevo on 2005-09-26 (View Climbing Log)

0 out of 5 stars Ascent Note

No comment

Added: 2005-09-26

... Read all 9 ascent notes