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Route sequence (left to right): 7
Route Summary | Ascent Notes (2)
Premier Sponsor:
John Martin
Rock (Sport)
5 bolts + anchors
Start at the bottom of 'Dancers at the End of Time.' Veer right off that line before the first bolt to clip the first high bolt of this route. Three bolts of balancy slab climbing lead to the mini roof at the top. Shares anchors with 'Music of the Spheres.'
Submitted by: faustiandeal on 2012-08-04
Views: 372
Route ID: 112122
2 Ascents Recorded
Ratings | |
Difficulty | |
Safety Rating | G |
Trust your feet, find little nubbins and leap to the ledges that you see.
Added: 2012-08-04
Ratings | |
Difficulty | |
Safety Rating | G |
I hate slab.
Aug. 25/13: I was nearby, so I ran this. Still thin and slabby. Still not a huge fan, but I respect it a little more. I'd grudgingly say it's kinda fun.
Aug. 4/12: Seriously.
Aug. 4/12: Seriously.
Added: 2012-08-04