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Routes : North America : Canada : British Columbia : Fraser Valley : Hope-Silver Lake and area-Boulders

Hope-Silver Lake and area-Boulders

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Climbing Sections:

About Hope-Silver Lake and area-Boulders:

Great granite bouldering with a variety of location; forested, riverside climbing that is near camping.
Nearest town or city:
Directions: From Vancouver, drive east on HWY 1 until you see the Hope-Flood road exit. You want the second of the two exits that has this sign (1st is the business route.) After leaving the highway, you will see a sign on your right that says Silver Lake. Turn here and drive past some private property until the road turns to gravel. Continue up this road until you see a bridge going right. This is the exit to Silver Lake. You have options here. Going right takes you to Silver Lake and the Campground boulders, while continuing on gets you to the Lemurs, a new area.
Latitude, Longitude:
Access Issues: None known. Don't chip, glue, be loud or let your dog off its leash.
Camping: Yes
When to Climb: Autumn Summer
Quantity of Climbs: Week