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The Hangout (Indoor Gym)

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About The Hangout:

Now under new management with a new name - The Hangout. Mainly a bouldering gym that has recently upgraded to include 3 lead walls. Usually between 75 and 100 problems ranging from VB to VH. Host to the Tour de Bloc comp in the spring. Great vibe and friendly atmosphere! Day Pass - $11.68 Month Pass - $60 Year Pass - $350 new website :
Nearest town or city: Richmond
Directions: If you are driving from Vancouver, head south over the knight street bridge towards richmond. Get off on the Bridgeport Rd. exit and get over to the left lane right away. Turn left on Sweden way right in front of the Ikea. Keep going until the road tbones and then turn left. Next crossstreet is Jacombs. Turn right here and go 1 block to the Jacombs Business Park. Hang a right here and then left into the driveway halfway down the block. The gym is right in front of you.
Latitude, Longitude:
Web Site:

Forum Discussions (2 posts)

  Subject Author Replies Last Post
No Replies Hangout makr 0 Oct 25 2004, 8:08 PM
No Replies Rockhouse Climbing Partner Wanted kfox 0 Jan 08 2004, 3:20 AM