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Pulpit Rock

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Climbing Sections:

About Pulpit Rock:

“The Date” 5.10a is a 80m long fully bolted 3 pitch sport route on Pulpit Rock. Enjoy having a warm climb on “the Date”, a very accessible multi-pitch climb within reach of Nelson. For experienced climbers the route can be done in less than half a day. A great walk into the base of the route, fun and thoughtful climbing and great views at the top are all your rewards. The rock quality is average by local standards, of fractured granitic origin.
Nearest town or city: Nelson
Directions: To get to the climb, follow the regular Pulpit rock trail for 20-25min of steady moderate walking. The top of Pulpit rock will becomes clearly visible for the first time. At the next switch-back, take a faint climber’s trail heading west and contour below Pulpit rock. The trail becomes obvious and is well flagged in orange 20m from the switch-back. Follow this across and up talus fields for 10-15min to the base of the route. The trail is not totally finished yet and will see some more work. There are many large loose blocks in the talus fields.
Latitude, Longitude:
Access Issues: Ensure you stay on route and watch if you are following another climbing party and rappel only if you have to. There is a perfectly good walk off.
When to Climb: Autumn Spring Summer
Quantity of Climbs: