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Teapot Mountain

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Climbing Sections:

About Teapot Mountain:

Several short (8-15m) single pitch trad routes exist at the peak of this dome of a mountain. The climbs are on bassalt columns (think a very small version of devils tower), the rock is a little bit loose, but more or less OK. Climbs range from 5.5 to A1 (could go free at 12 or 13)... all routes can be toproped off the trees, or led on trad.
Nearest town or city: Prince George
Directions: Drive to the summit lake recreation area about 40 min. North of town. Park in the campground and hike about a half an hour to the summit. The climbs are located on the north and south west sides of the hill; rap in from the loop trail.
Latitude, Longitude:
Access Issues:
Camping: Pay
When to Climb:
Quantity of Climbs: Day