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Constitution Hill

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Climbing Sections:

About Constitution Hill:

This is a 150 meter granite cliff system near Mt Washington. There are two sets of cliffs, a shoter lower set and a much much longer upper set. There is a massive talus field at the base of the cliffs, a warning: some sections of the boulder field are not stable, I watched a car size boulder slide down the hill and take out a tree! There is at least one aid line on the lower cliff, which goes through a roof and is marked by the prencence of a single bolt. The upper cliffs have a couple routes which were either abandoned or are unfinished.
Nearest town or city: Courtney
Directions: Take exit 130 towards Mt. Washington, after 2 km you will reach a four way intersection with Duncan Bay Main. Turn right (north) and drive for 9.1 Km down Duncan Bay Main to the cliffs on the right.
Latitude, Longitude: 49.78733, -125.19530
Access Issues: logging traffic
Camping: Free
When to Climb: Summer
Quantity of Climbs: Week