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Las Olas

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Climbing Sections:

About Las Olas:

"Las Olas"¯ is made up of some sort of very solid rock with incredible friction on positive flakes and edges. There are also many beautiful pockets. The climbing is steep yet slabby with many bulges. During the cleaning of the routes there was very little loose rock that came off. The wall is about 40m high and requires 2 ropes to lower off with. All routes are equipped with bomber¯ rap stations located on the face below the trees on top. These routes were designed to be lead climbed as walking around to top rope is almost impossible. All routes have mixed protection with a few of bolts and the rest protected by nuts and cams up to 2"¯. Protection is excelent and bolts were only placed when there was no natural pro to be found! There are power lines close to the rock so keep this in mind when throwing the rope to rap off! They are not near enough to pose a problem to falling climbers though.
Nearest town or city: Tofino
Directions: Drive from Port alberni towards Tofino. When you see the crag on the left side of the road, pull over, walk ten feet down into the ditch, pull out the gear and climb. Its just that easy!
Latitude, Longitude:
Access Issues:
Camping: Free
When to Climb:
Quantity of Climbs: Day

Forum Discussions (1 posts)

  Subject Author Replies Last Post
With Replies Traffic? romperroom 2 Aug 16 2006, 9:14 PM