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Mt. Prevost

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Climbing Sections:

About Mt. Prevost:

Prominent conglomerate Mountain towering above the city of Duncan. Popular with mountain bikers hangliders, hikers and the odd climber. downtown Duncan.
Nearest town or city: Duncan
Directions: Take the Island Highway North of Duncan then turn left onto Highway 18 West toward Lake Cowichan. After crossing the railway tracks, turn right onto Somenos Rd. Take Somenos Rd.North for about 1 km then Left onto Mt. PRevost Rd. Follow the Rd up to the top of the mountain One main intersection or Y half way up (Stay Left). Intersection after steep hill near the top left takes you to parking lot and trail head to war memorial. Right Fork takes you to the hang glide launch or Southern hump of the Mountain.
Latitude, Longitude:
Access Issues: None. However, the gate is often closed in the summer fire season.
When to Climb: Spring
Quantity of Climbs: Day