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Munn Road

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Climbing Sections:

About Munn Road:

Good sizes bouldering rock, lots of features. About 4 different main routes with lots of variations of starts, even some small cave start options up towards V4+.
Nearest town or city:
Directions: Down Munn rd (which is off of prospect lake road) nearly untill the intersection of Millstream Lake Road. Heading in that direction there is a small trail with lots of sticks on it right before the curvy road 18% slope sign. It's on the left hand side(SouthEastish). Walk up the trail for not more then 5minutes and you can't miss the big flippin' bouldering rock on the right of the trail. Here is the goole map of the approx area (within a few hundred metres.,Munn+Rd,+Victoria,+BC&gl=ca&ei=LPvGTrmADcji2gXu0IToDw&sa=X&oi=geocode_result&ct=image&resnum=1&ved=0CB0Q8gEwAA
Latitude, Longitude:
Access Issues: I don't know if I'm allowed in there, so maybe you shouldn't either...but whatever.
When to Climb:
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