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S&R Crag

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Climbing Sections:

About S&R Crag:

Fun climbing on a nice south facing basalt crag. This crag was first descovered and some of the lines were top-roped by a couple of nice dudes from the Tofino Search and Rescue.
Nearest town or city: Tofino
Directions: If heading east from Tofino, the turn off is 38.4 km from the Uculet/Tofino Junction. If you are coming form Port Alberni, The turn off is 11.5km from the sign at the summit of Sutton Pass. Turn on to a logging road, Immidiately go through an open gate (never closed) and go down a hill and over a brigde. Keep going down the logging road for exactly 1 killometer. There will be a road heading up hill on the right. Follow this for about a killometer untill you see the crag. 4 wheel drive will reduce the walking time of the approach. People with low clearance vehicles will have to park 200m before the junction with the turnoff to the right. 20 min into the approach,You will have to cross a creek that the bridge was recently removed. Further along, part of the road has been deactivated and destroyed. Follow cairns and you will not get lost. The hike seems to take about about 30min total. When you get to the crag, there will be a carin marking the overgrown trail down to the base. This trail will come out into a clearing with old logging debris. There is a cleared entrance to the base of the cliff. If you are going to set up top rope, access to the top of the cliff is from the far left side. Continue hiking up the logging road for a 100m and start bush wacking!
Latitude, Longitude:
Access Issues:
Camping: Free
When to Climb:
Quantity of Climbs: Day

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Tofino 5.8
Tofino 5.8