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Rockwood Park

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Climbing Sections:

About Rockwood Park:

Access to the "Lodge Face" cliff is 24/7 365. To my knowldge, the road to the cliff has never been closed to the public.
Use of the park and the cliff is: FREE.
The bolts/hangers are deemed safe and have sustained falls.
This cliff can be top-roped or sport-lead even in the winter. Snow and ice rarely gathers on the face & the base of the cliff is a road and is plowed dilligently by the city.
Nearest town or city: Saint John
Directions: If you live near saint john, you'll know to take the Crown Street exit off the highway heading east towards the city. Follow the road to the end and turn right at the intersection. Make your way up that hill about a block, and then you'll see a huge sign for the park, turn right and follow that road down the hill past the lake/ponds on the left... and head towards the campground entrance booth, turn around before going to the booth and park next to the Duck Pond. Look left and you'll see a blasted face.
Latitude, Longitude: 45.29080, -66.05407
Access Issues: None
Camping: Yes
When to Climb:
Quantity of Climbs: Day

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