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Ko-Chi-Minh-Trail - V9

Average Rating = 0.00/5 Average Rating : 0.00 out of 5
Route sequence (left to right): 1
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This is on the Impossoboulder. Start in the middle of the boulder to the right of Carpet Munching Diablos, on a couple of bad crimps. Right hand on a gaston and left hand on a right leaning crimp. Get your feet in place to go with your right hand to the best hold on the route. It's a sharp left leaning crimp. This hold brings you into an iron cross from which you bring your feet up to make the next hand move. Work your way on few bad holds to eventually make a toss to the good edge just before the top of the boulder. Top out. It appears fairly improbable but once the moves are sorted it makes good sense.

Submitted by: craggy on 2004-04-16
Views: 492
Route ID: 51290